Argyle Pink Diamonds: A Treasure Beyond Compare

Argyle Pink Diamonds are among the rarest and most coveted gemstones in the world. These stunning pink diamonds, sourced from the Argyle Diamond Mine in Western Australia, have captured the imagination of collectors, investors, and jewellery enthusiasts alike. In this article, we explore the fascinating world of Argyle Pink Diamonds, answering key questions and highlighting what makes these gems so extraordinary.

How Many Pink Diamonds Are Left in the World?

With the closure of the Argyle Diamond Mine in 2020, the supply of pink diamonds has become even more limited. It is estimated that less than 1% of the mine's production consisted of pink diamonds, making them incredibly rare. The exact number of remaining pink diamonds is unknown, but their rarity ensures that they are highly sought after and valuable.

What to Look for When Buying a Pink Diamond?

When purchasing a pink diamond, consider the following factors:

  1. Color: The intensity and hue of the pink color significantly impact the diamond's value. Colors range from faint pink to vivid pink, with more intense colors being more desirable.

  2. Clarity: As with all diamonds, clarity is essential. While inclusions are common in pink diamonds, those with fewer inclusions are more valuable.

  3. Cut: The cut affects the diamond's brilliance and overall appearance. A well-cut pink diamond will reflect light beautifully.

  4. Certification: Ensure the diamond is certified by a reputable gemological laboratory to verify its authenticity and quality.

For expert guidance, consider booking a design consultation with our specialists.

What is Special About Argyle Diamonds?

Argyle Diamonds, particularly the pink variety, are renowned for their unique and vibrant colors, which are not found in diamonds from other sources. The geological conditions in the Argyle mine created diamonds with distinct pink hues, making them highly prized. Additionally, the closure of the Argyle mine has rendered these diamonds even more valuable and rare.

What is the Rating of Argyle Diamonds?

Argyle Diamonds are graded based on the intensity of their color. The Argyle color grading system ranges from 1 to 9, with 1 being the most intense and 9 being the lightest. The diamonds are also classified into categories such as Purplish Pink (PP), Pink (P), and Pink Rosé (PR), each indicating a specific color hue.

What is Special About Pink Diamonds?

Pink diamonds are exceptional due to their unique color, which is believed to result from unusual stress and pressure during their formation. Unlike other colored diamonds, the exact cause of the pink hue remains a mystery, adding to their allure. Their rarity and the intense beauty of their color make them highly desirable.

Why is Argyle So Popular?

Argyle is synonymous with pink diamonds due to the mine's significant contribution to the world's supply. The Argyle Diamond Mine produced over 90% of the world's pink diamonds, making it the premier source for these gems. The mine's closure has further increased the prestige and desirability of Argyle Pink Diamonds.

Are Pink Diamonds More Expensive?

Yes, pink diamonds are significantly more expensive than white diamonds due to their rarity and unique color. The price of pink diamonds can be exponentially higher, especially for those with intense and vivid hues. Argyle Pink Diamonds, in particular, command a premium in the market.

Is It Worth Buying Pink Diamonds?

Investing in pink diamonds is considered a wise decision due to their rarity and the increasing demand for these gems. With the closure of the Argyle mine, the supply of pink diamonds has dwindled, leading to a potential rise in value over time. Owning a pink diamond is not only a statement of luxury but also a sound investment.

Are Pink Diamonds Only Found in Australia?

While the Argyle mine in Australia was the most prolific source of pink diamonds, these gems can also be found in other locations, such as Brazil, South Africa, and Russia. However, the quality and intensity of pink diamonds from Argyle are unmatched, making them the most renowned.

How Rare is a Pink Diamond?

Pink diamonds are among the rarest diamonds in the world. Only a tiny fraction of diamonds mined globally are pink, and those with deep, vivid colors are even rarer. The rarity is further compounded by the fact that the primary source, the Argyle Diamond Mine, is no longer operational.


Argyle Pink Diamonds are a true marvel of nature, celebrated for their exquisite beauty and unparalleled rarity. Whether you're looking to invest in these extraordinary gems or create a piece of custom designed jewellery, understanding their unique qualities is essential. For more information or to explore our collection of pink diamonds, consider booking a design consultation with our experts at Ryley Jewellery Creations. Discover the timeless elegance and investment potential of Argyle Pink Diamonds today.

Ewen Ryley